Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.


Breath: The Transitory Sound and Movement Collective

Concert, The Transitory Sound and Movement Collective
Pay What You Can, suggested value $20

Breath, a site-specific work, created by The Transitory Sound and Movement Collective for the Rothko Chapel explored the dynamics and subtleties of what life is at its essence. This thoughtful and patient consideration of existence took form in a spontaneous sound composition with responsive movement created by a highly accredited/accomplished ensemble of musicians/vocalist and dancers/choreographers. Each artist was equally involved in this unspoken sonic conversation around this idea of what life truly is…Breath.

About the presenters:
The Transitory Sound and Movement Collective, founded by artistic director Lynn Lane, brings musicians, sound artists, dance artists, spoken word and visual artists together to collaboratively create immersive and experiential evenings of sound, movement, and visual art through a guided improvisational process. Each performance is a unique and spontaneous composition that is created by the process of consideration and response of each artist to the overall whole and concept. It truly becomes an unspoken conversation through structured improvisation. 

Jennifer Mabus
Erica Gionfriddo 

Lynn Lane (guitar/electronics/other things)
Peg Nosek (life/inspiration)
Julia Fox (soprano)
Ingrid Gerling (violin)
Nathan Watts (cello)
Thomas Frey (clarinet)
Caitlin Mehrtens (harp)
Brandon Bell (percussion)

Costumes by Cherie Acosta

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
7:00 PM