Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.


Preserving Mayan Legacies in Ritual and Ceremony

Tata Apolinario Chile Pixtún
Presented in partnership with Think Peace International and PK McCary, artist-in-residence at Project Row Houses
Suggested donation $10

Renowned Mayan elder and healer Tata Apolinario Chile Pixtún conducts a public ceremony on the Rothko Chapel plaza for healing and blessing during the current Mayan transition period. The ceremony ends with a telling of the Mayan calendar prophecy, and following the ceremony is a talk at noon at Project Row Houses. Tata Apolinario Chile Pixtún belongs to the Community Kaqchikel Mayab' of Guatemala. As a healer, he is a Naturopathic Practitioner with specialties in herbal medicine, energy medicine, ethno-botany, and ethno-therapy. He is a keeper of the Mayan Calendar and also the Lead Coordinator of the Grand Confederation of Main Ajq'ijab Ajq´ijab´.

Saturday, August 31, 2013
7:00 PM

Join a Mayan ritual.