Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.
Fali Engineer, Zoroastrian Tradition
Pay What You Can, suggested value $10
For the month of March, the Rothko Chapel presented a meditation in the Zoroastrian tradition. Led by Fali Engineer of the Zoroastrian Association of Houston, this session explored the contemplative practice of Ahura meditation.
At present the demands of life are greater than our ability to cope. This results in stress, anxiety, fear and worry, affecting our health and well being. The best antidote for stress is deep rest. This meditation gives rest twice that of sleep. It is easily learned, as it involves no concentration. The effortless process allows the mind to quiet levels, which is a welcome relief from incessant thinking. This quieting of the mind conveys deep rest to the body for stress relief and relaxation.
About the presenter:
Fali Engineer is a Zoroastrian by birth and was educated in India, worked in Pakistan and retired in the US in 1987. He learned this style of meditation in 1975 and has since taught over two thousand individuals from Pakistan to Houston, Louisiana, Colorado, and even Mexico. He has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1966 and served as the President of the 106-year old Houston Lodge for over 7 years. He is also a member of the Zoroastrian Association of Houston, established in 1976 to promote religious, social, and cultural aspects of the Zarathushti faith to members of the Zarathushti Community and interact with members of the greater Houston metropolitan area.
About the series:
Since September 2005, on the first Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm, the Rothko Chapel hosts a meditation or contemplative practice focusing on a different spiritual or faith tradition featuring teachers and religious leaders from throughout the greater Houston community. The Twelve Moments: Experiencing Spiritual and Faith Traditions series provides opportunities for visitors to learn more about a specific spiritual or faith tradition, and experience a related meditation or contemplative practice, such as prayer, chanting, etc.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
12:00 PM