Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
3:00 PM
2022 Virtual Symposium | Beyond the Rhetoric: Civil Rights & Our Shared Responsibility
Freedom of Speech & Expression in Journalism, Education & the Arts | Panel Discussion
3pm CT - Welcome by David Leslie, Executive Director, Rothko Chapel
3:15pm CT - Panel Discussion
The First Amendment of the US Constitution and Article 19 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantee freedom of speech and expression, which along with access to communication and information, are foundational to other civil rights. Censorship and curtailment of expression through different media impact all sectors including journalism, education and the arts. This panel explores current issues impacting and curtailing the freedom of expression in the US.
Moderator Michael Powell, National New York Times Reporter
Joe Cohn, Legislative & Policy Director at Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Svetlana Mintcheva, Strategy Consultant at National Coalition Against Censorship
Nabiha Syed, President, The Markup