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News & Events

Dignity, Equity & Access in the COVID Era | 2022 Virtual Symposium

Friday, April 1, 2022
8:45 AM

2022 Virtual Symposium | Beyond the Rhetoric: Civil Rights & Our Shared Responsibility
Dignity, Equity & Access in the COVID Era | Panel Discussion

8:45am CT - Welcome by Omar El-Halwagi, Board Member & Program Committee Chair, Rothko Chapel
8:50am CT - Guided Mediation led by Juanita Rasmus, Pastor, St. John's United Methodist Church
9am CT - Panel Discussion

Access to quality healthcare, nutritious food, a sustainable environment, adequate housing, education, and safe working conditions are understood by many as basic human rights and essentials to human dignity. This multi-sector panel explores inequities and endemic challenges related to access to healthcare, nutrition, affordable housing and living wage jobs, all of which have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists will also discuss successful cross-sector efforts to address these problems to further equity for all. This session opens with an introduction from Omar El-Halwagi and a short guided meditation by Juanita Rasmus.

Moderator Katy Atkiss, Principal, Impetus Houston
Chrishelle Palay, Director, Houston Organizing Movement for Equity (HOME) Coalition
Dr. Umair Shah, Secretary of Health, Washington State Department of Health
Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers

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  • Vimeo Livestream

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