Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.
Friday, April 1, 2022
1:45 PM
2022 Virtual Symposium | Beyond the Rhetoric: Civil Rights & Our Shared Responsibility
A Threat to All: Redistricting, Gerrymandering & the Attack on Voting Rights | Panel Discussion
With voting rights legislation both rolled back and stalled in the aftermath of the 2020 election, and ongoing issues with redistricting and gerrymandering, this session focuses on the critical importance of voting rights and protections as part of the overarching civil rights framework. Looking toward the 2022 and 2024 elections, advocates at the local, state, and national levels, this panel discusses the challenges and opportunities before us including efforts to ensure the importance of each person’s vote and their role in being actively involved in the democratic process.
Moderator Mimi Marziani, President, Texas Civil Rights Project
Christopher Hollins, Former County Clerk of Harris County, Texas & Principal Attorney at Hollins Law Group PLLC
Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF)