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News & Events

International Day of Peace Observance

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
6:00 PM

International Day of Peace Observance
Pay What You Can $5-20 | In-person event with bench seating

Community members gathered for reflection, music, and silence to cultivate world peace and sustain our spirits at a time of interconnected crisis and conflict.

Presenters included
David Leslie, Executive Director, Rothko Chapel
Bishop Myokei Caine-Barrett, Resident Priest of Myoken-ji Temple
Sr. Ceil Roeger, Dominican Sisters of Houston
Chris Ellis, Cellist & DACAMERA Young Artist
Kian Tavackoli, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’i’s
Engin Yigit, Raindrop Turkish House
Rabbi Scott Hausman-Weiss, Congregation Shma Koleinu

International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on September 21st. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. Learn more about International Day of Peace.

event location

  • Rothko Chapel

event contact

  • Rothko Chapel Programs