Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
6:00 PM
Silent Nights: Grief, Stress, and Coping During the Holidays
Meditative Moment for the Holiday Season
Presented in partnership with Institute for Spirituality & Health
Pay What You Can Tickets $0-25 | In-person with bench seating
For many, the winter holiday season is a time to come together in joy and celebration, yet it is also a time when grief and loss are felt most deeply. The pain of an empty chair at the dinner table, a sudden diagnosis, or unexpected change in traditions can be particularly hard to bear during this nostalgic season.
Co-presented by Institute for Spirituality and Health and Rothko Chapel, this 10th annual event offers a safe space to hear and share stories of grief and know that you are not alone. We will hear a personal narrative of coping with grief from Dr. Rajesh Ramakrishnan, engage in a guided journaling meditation experience lead by Center for Mind-Body Medicine Senior Faculty Member Dr. Sabrina N’Diaye, and listen to the healing sounds of crystal bowls activated by Gena Davis.
Let us become more mindful of the mental, physical, and spiritual strain ourselves and others face during the holidays, so that we may manage those stresses and take spiritual refreshment from this festive and sacred season as we move into the new year.