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April 27, 2017
Explore feminist perspectives within Islam
“Concept of the Divine” series continues at the Rothko Chapel, Thursday, May 25
HOUSTON – April 27, 2017 – Where does the feminist perspective fit within Islam?
The Rothko Chapel is set to host Asma Uddin in a conversation about how women shape visions of the divine in Islam.
The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 25 at the Chapel, located at 3900 Yupon. A reception will follow the program.
Uddin serves as director of strategy for the Center on Islam and Religious Freedom. She speaks and publishes on issues of gender and faith, as well as national and international religious freedom.
In addition, she is the founder and editor-in-chief of, a web magazine dedicated to issues on gender and Islam. She also serves on the advisory council for the Institute for Global Engagement's Center for Women, Faith and Leadership. Her work has been published by numerous law reviews and university presses and she is co-editing a forthcoming book of essays by women who have faced religious persecution.
“Asma Uddin is at the forefront of the conversation about how a Muslim woman's perspective of the divine shapes her faith and commitment to religious liberty and social equity,” Rothko Chapel’s public programs and community engagement director Ashley Clemmer said. “She is helping create the space for women to make their faith their own.”
The event is the final installment in the Chapel’s series, “Concept of the Divine,” where speakers and presenters discuss their understanding of the divine as it has changed throughout their lives and impacted their work.
“There is a struggle among people, within and outside of religious traditions, to find their own voice and expression of their faith and what spirituality means to them,” Rothko Chapel’s executive director David Leslie said. “This series is providing the opportunity for people to speak, unfettered, about their belief systems and feel empowered to tell their story.”
The series began in 2016 and has featured speakers from various faiths -- both clergy and laypeople – including Brené Brown, Rabbi Samuel Karff, Rev. William Lawson, Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza and poet Willis Barnstone.
The Concept of the Devine series is slated to continue for a second season.
For registration, and for more information about the Rothko Chapel and a full calendar of upcoming programs, workshops and events, visit or call 713-524-9839.