The Rothko Chapel is closed to the public for an indefinite period of time due to damage from Hurricane Beryl. The Welcome House is open 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Sunday. Please continue to check our website for updates related to opening hours as more information becomes available.

Press Release

For Peace of Mind, Remember to Breathe

November 29, 2016

For Peace of Mind, Remember to Breathe

Rothko Chapel’s “Twelve Moments” series continues with Christian meditation

HOUSTON – November 14, 2016 – With election season ending and the holiday season approaching, stress is all too common.

“The simple act of thoughtful breathing can be helpful in restoring a sense of internal centeredness and peace,” the Rothko Chapel’s public director of programs and community engagement Ashley Clemmer said.

The Chapel is hosting a unique event designed to help guests find calm and clarity at noon on Wednesday, Dec. 7.

A guided meditation, in the Christian tradition, will be led by Sister Mary Adeline O’Donoghue. The Chapel is located at 3900 Yupon. Suggested donation is $10.

O’Donoghue invites individuals burdened by the pressures of modern life to simply enter the quiet depths of their own being. The meditation will pull from the Christian tradition of Centering Prayer, an act of contemplation meant to open oneself to the active presence of God within.

O’Donoghue was born in Ireland to a family of farmers. From an early age, she had a deep sense of God’s presence and spiritual gifts that led to her vocation. She came to Houston to enter the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word at Villa de Matel and was instrumental in opening the Ruah Center in 1987.

The center serves as an oasis of intentional silence and prayer – with a mission of renewal and healing of the human spirit. “Ruah” is the Hebrew word representing the life-giving breath of God.

“At the Chapel, we recognize how important it is to practice thoughtful breath and quiet reflection,” Clemmer said. “Sister Adeline has decades of experience in helping people engage their inner world. We hope anyone looking for some tranquility and seeking new tools for how to reach a state of calm during trying moments will join us.”

The event is a continuation of Rothko Chapel’s monthly experiential offerings, “Twelve Moments: Experiencing Spiritual and Faith Traditions,” aimed at helping people learn spiritual practices to quiet, center, expand and renew their minds.

The "Twelve Moments" series is co-sponsored by Ligmincha Texas Institute, the Jung Center of Houston, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and the Rothko Chapel.

For more information about the Rothko Chapel and the full calendar of upcoming programs, workshops and events, visit or call 713-524-9839.


About the Rothko Chapel

The Rothko Chapel is open to the public every day of the year at no charge and successfully interconnects art, spirituality and compassionate action through a broad array of free public programs. Founded by Houston philanthropists Dominique and John de Menil, the Chapel was dedicated in 1971 as an intimate sanctuary. Today it stands as a monument to art, spirituality and human rights. As an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization, the Chapel depends on contributions from foundations and individuals to support its mission of creating a space for contemplation and dialogue on important issues.

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