The Rothko Chapel is closed to the public for an indefinite period of time due to damage from Hurricane Beryl. The Welcome House is open 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Sunday. Please continue to check our website for updates related to opening hours as more information becomes available.


Twelve Moments: Sikh Tradition

Satmitar Khalsa, Sikh Tradition
Pay What You Can, suggested value $10 

For the month of June, the Rothko Chapel presented a meditation in the Sikh tradition led by Satmitar Khalsa. We explored Guru Nanak's Mul Mantra, the origin, the root, of all Sikh teachings. When chanted, or preferably sung repeatedly, this mystical mantra provides a practical approach to achieving a stable, elevated Unity consciousness.  

The presentation included: light history and story telling, brief intellectual review of the mantra, singing/chanting the mantra for personal experience, meditation/contemplation in brief silence and time for questions. 

About the presenter:
Satmitar Khalsa, a native Houstonian, became a certified Kundlini Yoga teacher in Portland, OR in the late 1990’s. By 2001, she began working for Yogi Bhajan in Espanola, NM. For 11 years, she lived in a spiritual community and served in the non-profits established and managed by Yogi Bhajan. Some of her duties included: Director of 3HO’s NGO/Representative to the United Nations, Director of International Peace Prayer Day and the Peace Cereal Grant Philanthropy, Director of Community and Public Relations, President and Vice President of Interfaith LEAP (a local faith based nonprofit) and other positions along the way. Recently, she created an eco-friendly design company and became a consultant for doTerra Essential Oils. Satmitar offers a transformational approach to teaching. She focuses a great deal on the breath, naad yoga (chanting) and meditation. She is grateful to return to her Texan roots and become fast friends with the unique and beloved Kundalini Yoga community in Houston. Satmitar means “True Friend.”

About the series:
Since September 2005, on the first Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm, the Rothko Chapel hosts a meditation or contemplative practice focusing on a different spiritual or faith tradition featuring teachers and religious leaders from throughout the greater Houston community. The Twelve Moments: Experiencing Spiritual and Faith Traditions series provides opportunities for visitors to learn more about a specific spiritual or faith tradition, and experience a related meditation or contemplative practice, such as prayer, chanting, etc.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
12:00 PM