Join us for Inspirit: Rothko Chapel’s Annual Evening of Inspiration on March 19th! Deadline to buy tickets is March 13th.
Vimeo Livestream
Dates to be announced
Check back for more information and registration
In honor of the Rothko Chapel’s 50-year commitment to furthering social justice, the Rothko Chapel will present a two-part Symposium exploring the current state of civil and human rights in the United States and how individuals, grassroots initiatives, and policy makers can work together to create a more equitable future for all.
Part I will be presented in Spring 2021, featuring a series of virtual programs with keynote speakers discussing historical context for the critical civil and human rights issues of today, while also looking back at the Chapel's 50 year history of human rights programming. Part II is anticipated to take place in Fall 2021 as a multi-day, in-person experience engaging seasoned and emerging social justice leaders to explore intersecting civil and human rights topics, focusing on contemplation and action.