The Rothko Chapel will close at 2pm on Friday, March 28th in preparation for our Night of Ideas Public Program.


Join our Volunteers

Support Transformative Experiences at the Rothko Chapel

Greet, Guide & Gather

Join our community of engaged volunteers who contribute their time and skills to support the visitor experience at the Rothko Chapel. Volunteers must be 18 or older and have a strong interest in the Rothko Chapel and mission. Volunteers serve 2 shifts per month for one year from September to August. Shifts range from 2 to 4 hours.

For all volunteer positions, we are seeking collaborative individuals who are committed to serving the needs of international, interfaith visitors.

Events Team

Event Volunteers provide support for public programs, private services, and special events. We are seeking volunteers who:

  - Enjoy or excel working with crowds and in fast-paced environments
  - Have experience or interest in working at events and/or in hospitality
  - Are available primarily on evenings Tuesdays through Thursdays, 5-9:30pm. Weekday and weekend afternoon shifts are occasionally offered.

Guide Team
Guides provide opportunities for visitor education and engagement by leading guided visits of the Chapel. We are seeking volunteers who:

  - Enjoy speaking in front of groups or want to develop these skills
  - Have experience in educational settings or have served as a docent (preferred)
  - Are available primarily Friday through Sunday between 11am-5pm, and occasional weekday mornings or afternoons per individual tour requests

Please note: New Guides are encouraged to have prior experience as a docent, leading tours, or have prior in-depth knowledge of the Rothko Chapel.

Benefits for Volunteers & Commitments from Chapel Staff

Volunteers enjoy working with a diverse, intergenerational group of passionate Chapel supporters. Volunteers participate in special educational offerings and social gatherings onsite and throughout the Houston-area. Guild also receive a discount on Chapel merchandise and invitation to an annual Recognition Celebration.

Staff offer thorough orientation and training, online access to scheduling, timely email communications, clear volunteer assignments and mentorship by experienced volunteers for a respectful and fun environment.

How to Join
We are not accepting applications for new volunteers at this time. 

Please contact to learn more about volunteering and next opportunities to apply. 

2024-2025 VOLUNTEERS

  • Beth Arlington
  • Ethan Michelle Ganz
  • Krysia Lynes
  • Anne Morris
  • Juan Palomo
  • Laura Radcliffe
  • Linda C. Murray
  • Joan Schauer
  • Ashika Skeele
  • Joe Sosa
  • Sarita Tennant
  • Cynthia Walker
  • Login to Volgistics