b'Throughout the year, the Rothko Chapel hosted a series of observances, each a powerful reminder of our mission:International Day of Peace:International Womens Day: In a world too often marred by conflict, we cameThe Rothko Chapels International Womens Day together to celebrate peace and the possibilityevent focused on reflecting on womens social, of a harmonious future. Community memberseconomic, cultural, and political achievements. It gathered for reflection, music, and silence tofeatured a call to collective action for accelerating cultivate world peace and sustain our spirits atgender equity in alignment with the United a time of interconnected crisis and conflict. Nations global theme for last year, Embrace Equity. Participants engaged in challenging gender stereotypes, addressing discrimination and bias, and fostering inclusive environments and systems. The event provided a platform for women leaders from the Houston community to share their intersectional insights into the past years state of gender equity.The events distinguished presenters included Kimberly Baker, Assistant Dean at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health; Kelly Johnson, Director of Public Programs at Rothko Chapel; Rachna Khare, Executive Director of Daya; James McAloon Jr., trumpeter & DACAMERA Young Artist; Rev. Diane McGehee, Senior Pastor at Bering Memorial; Leslie Contreras Schwartz, poet; Kesley Sham, harpist & DACAMERA Young Artist; World AIDS Day:Eden Rose Torres, Founder of Pride Portraits & transgender activist; and Donya Ziraksari, Iranian We commemorated those affected by HIV/AIDS,womens rights activist, author, and producer. offering support, education, and a space forEach presenter brought a unique perspective reflection on the ongoing fight against this globaland expertise, contributing to the diverse and pandemic. Attendees gathered in solidarity andinsightful discussions on gender equity and were invited to bring a small memento or itemthe achievements of women. Their collective to place on a community altar in remembrancevoices enriched the event, fostering a deeper of those who have passed on, and in celebrationunderstanding of the challenges and opportunities of those living with HIV. in advancing gender equality.12'