b'Henry Luce Cohort on Spirituality and Social Justice In 2020, as part of the Rothko Chapels 50th AnniversaryThrough the generous support of The Henry Luce observed in 2021, we launched a multi-year cross- Foundation Theology and Religion Program, we were sector dialogue project focused on how the Chapelable to organize a cohort of activists, artists, religious can best engage an expanding environment ofleaders and academicsall well-versed in different spiritual, political, religious, and social expectations.approaches and understandings about how spirituality As envisioned, the primary goal of the project wasand social change intersect.Members of the cohort exploring how spiritualityin both religious and non- were Elia Arce, Costa Rican conceptual/performance religious contextsis understood and operative inartist; Suzanne Benally, Executive Director of the contemporary social change movements, and howSwift Foundation; Sean Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., Executive these learnings could impact the Chapels futureDirector of The Jung Center-Houston; Ash-Lee public programming, educational offerings, andWoodard-Henderson, Co-Executive Director of the training initiatives. Central to the Chapels ethosHighlander Research & Education Center; Matthew is the affirmation that spiritual grounding and theRussell, Ph.D. Co-Managing Director of projectCurate, unwavering commitment to social justice are important,and Executive Pastor at Chapelwood United Methodist if not necessary, aspects of the long-haul struggle forChurch; Najeeba Syeed, J.D., Associate Professor civil and human rights. In this context, spirituality isof Muslim and Interreligious Studies at Chicago understood to be, in part, a persons relationship toTheological Seminary and Director of the Center for and engagement with the transcendent questionsGlobal Peacebuilding; and John H. Vaughn, Executive and issues that confront one as a human being. Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist; Caron Tabb, Mixed Media Artist; and Anthony B. Pinn, Ph.D. Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities and Professor of Religious Studies at Rice University.14'