b'Through our various dialogue sessions, some important questions surfaced including Is it possible to create the space where people who identify as religious, spiritual not religious, and non-religious or spiritual can deliberate and work together on critical social justice issues? Is spirituality an important aspect of current social movements such as Black Lives Matter, LGBTQI+, climate equity and criminal justice reform efforts, and if so, how is it manifested? How does one discover and foster the spiritual, interpersonal, existential and inter-community resources needed to sustain effective social change efforts? How can religiosity and secularity within the context of social justice organizing be held in creative and productive tension?Finally convening in person in June 2023, key findings emerged from our dialogues and community outreach efforts. First, there was consensus that real differences exist related to the breadth of understandings as to the meanings of justice and spirituality. As such, it is important to create the environment to better understand the nature of such differences and avoid the rush to reduce everything to the lowest common denominator and uncritical common ground. Second, there is a real need for opportunities and places whereby people representing different academic disciplines, parts of the community and regions of the country, religious and secular viewpoints, social justice movements and sectors can come together to learn from one another and that mediating institutions like the Chapel have an important roles to play to this end. Third, art in its diverse mediums is an important way that people express ultimate meaning and sustain their spirit while also being a critical aspect of communicating key messages and information within social movements themselves. Fourth, organizations committed to the art of social change need to engage in ongoing organizational analysis including organization infrastructure, leadership approaches and community partnerships to assess and enhance inclusion and community engagementkeys to effectiveness.Fifth, the personal narrative matters and it is important to listen to one anothers experiences and foster understanding especially at time of so much divisive rhetoric. The Chapel aims to continue gatherings like these in the future.15'