b'Opening Spaces:A Campaign for the Rothko Chapel As a cherished and iconic institution in Houston, theWe are currently preparing for Phase 2of the project, Rothko Chapel holds a crucial place in our citys cultural,which encompasses:spiritual, and human rights landscape. Committed toThe construction of two new buildings on the North addressing the ever-changing needs of the nationsCampus: The Program Center and Administration most diverse city, the Chapel is dedicated to fosteringand Archives Building.its growth. This commitment is evident in the realization of the Opening Spaces masterplan, reflecting ourDevelopment of a new meditation garden.vision for the Chapels expansion.Rehabilitation of a bungalow on-site to provide The visionary masterplan, with a budget of $40dedicated housing for Chapel speakers, research million, marks the most ambitious and transformativefellows, and other visitors.capital endeavor for the Rothko Chapel since its construction 50 years ago.With the ongoing expansion and implementation of the Opening Spaces masterplan, the Rothko Phase I, completed in 2021, involved the restorationChapel is poised to reach a broader audience. The and lighting transformation of the Rothko Chapeladdition of new facilities, educational spaces, and sanctuary, the construction of the Suzanne Dealcommunity engagement hubs ensures that the Booth Welcome House, comprehensive drainageChapel becomes a more accessible and enriching and infrastructure enhancements, and new plantings,destination for all, fostering a sense of unity and including the Charleen Mullenweg Birch Grove, overseenshared experience. As we grow, our commitment to by Landscape Architects at Nelson Byrd Woltz. providing a sanctuary for reflection, dialogue, and exploration of the intersection of art, spirituality, and human rights remains steadfast, promising an even more profound impact on the lives of those we serve.18'