b'2023 Rothko Chapel scar Romero Award CeremonyThe Rothko Chapels scar Romero Award has beenThe 2023 Rothko Chapel scar Romero Award given biennially since 1986 to recognize courageous,recognized individuals and collectives exercising grassroots human rights advocates. This awardcourageous, grassroots, human rights advocacy is named in honor of Saint scar Romero of Santo further civil rights in the United States, with the Salvador, who was assassinated in March 1980 whilenomination committee seeking awardees working conducting Catholic Mass in a local hospital chapel. Heon urgent issues of reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ is recognized internationally for his vocal oppositionissues, and racial and economic justice. against oppression and has inspired countless others2023 Awardees included Rev. Erika Ferguson, Principal, to advocate for justice even in the face of greatEnvision Justice & Reproductive Justice Post Roe economic and political pressure. (Dallas, TX); Secunda Joseph, Co-Founder & Director At a time when many urgent, intersecting civil libertiesof Smart Media & Organizing with ImagiNoir/BLMTX and human rights are under attack and actively(Houston, TX); and The Peoples Paper Co-Op losing protections in the US, the Rothko Chapel(Philadelphia, PA).continued a multi-year effort to further communityRev. Erika Ferguson is the principal of Envision Justice, engagement on the topic of civil rights, followingthe reproductive justice strategy firm of the future, our 2021-22 Symposium Beyond the Rhetoric: Civiland Reproductive Justice Post Roe, a vibrant online Rights & Our Shared Responsibility.community and movement. Fighting for reproductive justice became her mission after seeking life-saving In the relentless pursuit of Reproductive Justice, thehealthcare for herself, leading her to answer the future is too important to be held hostage by fear.call to become an interfaith minister and a national public speaker on matters of reproductive justice.Rev. Erika Ferguson8'